Day: July 16, 2024

Down with discrimination vs. indie publishers

Remoto ControlDanton Remoto Down with discrimination vs. indie publishers Everything’s coming up roses for the Philippine publishing industry. After Covid-19, more books have been published, more people are going into publishing, and the government has helped immensely through the National Book Development Board, under the dynamic duo of Dante “Klink” Ang II and Charisse Aquino […]

Kazuo Ishiguro’s take on the world

Danton RemotoLodestar One of the last books I bought from Kinokuniya Bookstore in Malaysia wasKazuo Ishiguro’s Nobel Prize for Literature lecture published by Faber andFaber. Called My Twentieth Century Evening and Other SmallBreakthroughs, it is a helpful book for all aspiring writers. Instead of giving a lecture bristling with critical theory, Ishiguro talksabout his beginnings […]

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